Introducing new Sensors

BOSCH Sensortec BME280 Temp, Humidity, barometric pressure

Peter Horrack

The 280 series from BOSCH was specifically designed for smartphone/mass market personal ambient weather data monitoring and after months of testing proof to be a superior sensor for Hum/Temp in comparison to the DHT11/DHT22 series in every aspect.

  • Smaller, more rugged and compact 2.5x2.5 x 0.93 mm  vs a  DHT22/AM 2303's giant 15x25x7.7 mm

  • Reliability: The AM/DHT have a rather poor reliability record, especially sensitive to failing hum sensors after getting wet or contaminated

  • Interface: DHT/AM  proprietary 1 wire  vs. I2C  or SPI in the BMP/BME  the advantages are obvious.

  • A weather sensor designed by Germans vs Chinese. While I hate stereotypes some of them are undeniable and in this case very valuable.  Germans are almost obsessed with weather data, and YES they are innovators and creators, and their rich and competitive engineering culture, which is not in my view rooted in their "Assumed Automobile world domination" is clearly visible in this products superior design. Finally, the simple fact that BOSCH  (synonymous in the Auto industry as the premier supplier for automobile electrical/electronics for well over a century) has their name on this (and a lot riding on it by branching out to the consumer and IOT markets) is as good as its weight in gold. (actually it costs slightly more than gold,  so finally Alchemy has come true ....:-

Watch this interesting video featuring the courageous "brain" behind the Sensortech division


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