Trillium - 5 min How it works

Data Collection and Storage

Peter Horrack

There are just a few tips to get you going.  

If you opened a link and logged in you will be directed to a specific PAGE.  Most pages are fully customizable DASHBOARDS and provide an overview of part of your system, process, facility or equipment. A dashboard is just a tool (web page) that provides a specific way to view data.

Where does the data you are viewing come from, how is it stored, referenced and where is it located?

Trillium  IOT uses easily customizable and OTA (over the air) upgradeable Sensor devices (NODE). Each individual NODE can be fitted with multiple sensors to collect physical parameters such  as Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Gas flow, Liquid flow, Tank level, Electric current/voltage  and Power draw. Nodes merely sample the sensor at specific intervals, post process the raw data and send it into the cloud (Internet) after attaching an accurate (atomic time synchronized) TIMESTAMP.

The Cloud is were your encrypted data hangs out for a brief period in time. To be exact only for the time it takes for the next sample to arrive. If not picked up this cloud data is simply  gone without a trace. 

To really analyze, understand or optimize a physical process a single data sample is worthless. The real power of process data can be unlocked when  hours, weeks or years of data can be reviewed and therefore it has to be stored.  Trillium uses an extremely fast and specially optimized TIme Series Database called INFLUXDB. Influx DB is a server application that we deploy for a specific trillium site or Customer on a  Virtual Private Server which we buy  at one or several of over 30 google data  centers worldwide. Totally scalable and as fast and mostly as protected as google's other services because it runs in the same facility and redundant reliable hardware as google's own services. Once we got your data on trillium's inflluxdb database the hard part is already done. It can stay there for any pre-defined period of time and when time's up it won't consume more and more storage space, if it is deemed obsolete and overwritten

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